Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Some Misconceptions About the Cost of Being Healthy

    Statistically, people who eat very unhealthfully are moreso lower income in the U.S. People assume that unhealthy food is cheap. To some extent it is and can be. You can get a huge amount of processed junk for the same price as it might cost for a small amount of a much healthier option.
If people just took the time to consider what they are putting in their bodies, they may be able to easily find healthy alternatives at similar or less of the costs.

Another fact to put things into perspective: Treatments for diabetes, heart conditions, etc are A LOT more EXPENSIVE than HEALTHY FOOD in comparison to JUNK FOOD.

I challenge you to look for a few healthy options that you can substitute for the cost of your normal unhealthy option!
Here are a few tips:
-buy things like oatmeal, brown rice, and other healthy non perishables in bulk
-look for produce that is in season
-flip through store ads to see what is on sale (the store ads are generally similar to the grocery store where shopping around the outside is where the healthier options are).

Remember to look out for additives, preservatives and other fillers! Not all items claiming to be "healthy" really are! Just because its a "lean pocket" doesn't mean it still doesn't have processed cheese and white flour in it! (Even if it is made "with whole grain".

Here is a link to an excellent article that proves this point exactly.
Healthy food vs. Fast Food Costs.

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